— DAY 1 —

Day sponsored by Craig Sr. & Laurie Winslow


DAY 1, in which our traveler prepares for a long adventure ahead.

Kicking off this project today felt fantastic. 

To begin, we've been organizing our adventure-mobile, and scouting a few locations for tonight's projection. This first night set the tone for the entire project, and our Kickstarter backers got to see an actual glimpse of what they can expect for the next 15 days.

After talking with staff at a local boatyard in the town Craig grew up in, we were happy to share DAY 1's location in a sweet little corner near Handy Boat Service + Dockside Grill.

What a great start to our adventure. The quiet weather was great for both projecting and documenting. Some friends & family also ventured out to accompany us during the installation despite the late hour. We learned a lot about our process, our timing, and enhancing workflow moving forward.

The people at Handy Boat were very accommodating after hearing about our project earlier that day, and the location could not have felt more like Maine

At the end of the night, we recorded the 3D soundscape and could feel just how calming standing still for 3-5 minutes really is.

We'll both be looking forward to this meditative last step to close out each of the next 14 stressful days.